karma contact us


thekarmanews.com website contacts details Rohans, Chirakkulam Road ,Statue Thiruvanandapuram ,Kerala 695 001Mobile: +91 086069 33944, [email protected] Managing Director : Adv Vince Mathew, [email protected] WhatsApp +61415752113  Legal Head , Adv Bimala Baby@vimala Binu is heading our legal operations, we have a strong legal wing for racing and facing issues

Contacts ,Website news Only  

+91 086069 33944, only WhatsApp +61415752113 , [email protected],


All above reason we only receive all matters only through WhatsApp and email with documents. This we follow very strictly.  WhatsApp number is  +91 086069 33944, email [email protected],

Corrections Policy

If you believe a story we have published is inaccurate, please contact the editorial team,  We can once verified, we will correct the story on the website  Where appropriate, the fact a correction has been made will be noted in the story. We are happy to inform if you have any massage to Karma News, Please contact our proper department through phone or email . We are definitely try to solve your aggrieves very friendly. We are also happy to correct our errors notified by the public as soon as possible. If you have any urgent information or aggrieves you can also email  directly to MD/ Chief Editor at [email protected] , [email protected]. If any complaint or legal  you can also contact our legal head Adv Vimala Binu, [email protected],  High Court Junction Kochi.